Melissa Galbraith

3 min

12 of the Best Embroidery Supplies on Amazon

Being from the Pacific Northwest, I feel like Amazon gets a lot of shade for being a big corporation. While I love shopping at small independent crafts stores, I also love that Amazon is easy and accessible. Plus, when it comes to finding quality embroidery supplies, it can be challenging and my local craft store is constantly out of things or doesn't carry a full range. So if you're hunting around on Amazon for embroidery supplies, here's 12 of the best embroidery supply options.

Ever since finding beech wood hoops, I refuse to use anything else. They're my new favorite and I think if you give them a try, you'll see why the quality of these oval beech wood embroidery hoops is superior.

These mini embroidery hoops are a neat way to finish a design as a necklace or pin. I don't stitch directly into these hoops, but I have finished a few mini embroideries in these cuties.

I mix up the embroidery needle I'm using based on the fabric, stabilizer, and number of strands of thread. If you're just starting out with embroidery, I also recommend using an embroidery needle starter pack with sizes 5-10 to see which sizes you like best. There's really no right or wrong when it comes to what embroidery needle to use when stitching.

There are so many ways to transfer your design onto your fabric. One option are these DMC Water Soluble Transfer Pens. My local craft store is always out of these! I love that the pen lines wash away with water, so nothing feels too permanent and can easily be redrawn.

I was a late convert to Pilot Frixion Erasable Pens, but now I love them. While they're not technically meant for drawing on fabric, you can remove the erasable ink with an iron or blow dryer.

For an easy way to transfer your pattern that washes away, try Sulky Fabri-Solvy or Sulky Stick'n Stitch (they're pretty much the same thing). I use these regularly, especially on dark colored or bold pattern fabrics.

Another transfer option is tracing paper. This is great if you can't use the lightbox method or if you're tracing a design from a book.

So, I don't own a thread card, but it's been on my wish list for years. While I'd love one with the actual thread, they're pretty hard to come by. If you need a thread card to help pick colors and look at variations, this DMC Printed Color Thread Card is a good option to have.

Finding Etoile thread or any of the new color options can be really hit or miss at my local craft stores. If you're in the same boat, the DMC Etoile Thread- Collector Tin is a great option to get all of the thread colors in one set. Plus, DMC is also on Amazon, so you can order other thread options from them too.

When I'm working on projects (there's always more than one going around here), I find it helpful to keep all of my thread on a ring so I know what threads so what threads go with which embroidery.

I honestly don't know what I'd do without these thread boxes. I have 7 or 8 (3 of which only have green colors :P). They're an easy for me to store my wound thread and visually see what colors I have.

Even though I have a huge assortment of small scissors, these Fiskar Scissors are my tried and true option that I usually default to.

***This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something listed, I may receive a small portion of the sale. Thank you for checking out my recommendations.***
