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4 Easy Transfer Methods for Stitching on Dark Fabric

Have you found that some fabrics are easier to stitch on than others? Have you been daunted by stitching on dark fabrics because you're unsure about how or where to get started? Dark fabric can look amazing and also be tricky to work with. Darker fabrics make it harder to see and transfer your pattern.

Here's a few methods I've found helpful when transferring a design on to dark or bold printed fabrics.

Quilter's Chalk Pencil

Chalk pencils are great because they're available in a variety of colors. I have white, yellow, and silver. If you have a stencil or enjoy freehand drawing a design onto the fabric, then these are great. One of the down sides of chalk pencils, however, is that they can rub off easily or wash away. Find the chalk pencils I use here.

Clover White Marking Pen

This pen is one of my favorites for transferring a design on to dark fabric. It writes just like a gel pen and is very smooth. It took me a few tries to realize that the design take a little while to show up when using it, so don't be discouraged. The clover pen is another great option if you're free hand drawing a design. You can also use it with the light box or well-lit window method if your fabric isn't too thick. Find the Clover pen here.

Freezer Paper

Freezer paper is a great option, because it's probably already something you have in your kitchen. While this method is pretty easy, it can also be a bit tedious. To use freezer paper, simply trace your design onto the paper, pin it to the fabric, stitch over the freezer paper, and tear away the paper when you're done. I don't love this method, because I always spend way too much time tweezing out paper bits from my design. Find freezer paper here.

Sulky Fabri-Solvy

Another one of my go-to transfer methods is transfer paper. I like the brand Sulky. This transfer paper is great for most materials. You can drawn onto the paper or print a design from your printer. I like the Sticky Fabri-Solvy option because it's a water soluble stabilizer- that sticks in place as you stitch. This method is very easy to use. Simply draw or print your design onto the paper, peel off the backing, place it on the fabric, stitch, then wash away the stabilizer with warm water. Find Sulky Sticky Fabri-Solvy here.

Want to try stitching a design on dark fabric? Try Desert Moon with Pattern Club!

***Thanks for checking out my recommendations. This post contains affiliate links. Should you make a purchase, I may receive a small portion of the sale.***



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