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Homebody Weekly

I’ve skipped on writing the Homebody Weekly for a bit. Some times running a small business and life can feel mundane and boring. And sometimes I wonder who really wants to read about basic things like website updates, packaging workshop kits, and me boxing up our place for our move?

Well even though this week was much of the same mundane-ness, I still sat down and wrote a post. I don’t have a pretty picture to share, like on Instagram, but I can say I did a lot of behind the scenes work this week. I battled technology (yes, it really felt like that), got (somewhat) comfortable with learning something new, and dealt with comparison.

Let’s dive into the technology part of my week. I’ll be the first to admit I am not the most tech savvy person. When I don’t know how to do something, I Google it. When technology fritzs out on me, my go-to move is to restart the device. If that doesn’t tell you much about my tech skills, I don’t know what does.

So it should come as no surprise that figuring out how to add Pixel code to my website or set up Instagram and Pinterest shopping has been a challenge. I spent much too much time this week trying to work on these things. I yelled at my computer some and stress ate mini Ritz peanut butter sandwich crackers. And if you're reading this, you're probably wondering why I put myself through this? Well, with the pandemic, more and more shopping is being done online and I want to make it easier for you (and everyone else) to shop MCreativeJ products.

All this computer work isn't something I can easily capture in a pretty photo and share on social media, but it's still important work that I needed to figure out and get done for my small business. One of the resources that has been invaluable for me during this time has been the Merriweather Council. Ever since joining, I've found this to bee an excellent resource and place to ask questions of other small business owners, who are usually wondering some of the same things I am.

So to round off my technology update, you can now shop MCreativeJ products on Instagram.

Now onto trying something new and comparison...

This week I joined TikTok. And man does this app make me feel old. I mean I’m only 30 but the learning curve on new app technology is real. Haha. I’m trying not to compare myself to other makers on the platform, which can be really hard because they make it look so easy. I mean I just joined after all and have close to no idea what I’m doing. But like all new things, it just takes time to get better and learn something new. It's also a good reminder that things that look easy, can be hard and those who do things well are just great at their craft. So while TikTok is kicking my butt, I'm still enjoying learning something new and trying not to be too hard on myself for just starting out. And shameless plug: if you’d like to see my early videos (before I hit it big and go viral #yeahright) follow me on TikTok @mcreativej.

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