Melissa Galbraith

2 min

Homebody Weekly: April 10

Well another week quarantine has almost come and gone. For me this week really seemed to fly by- not that I've mentally acclimated to days of the week while working from home yet. I can't be the only one who feels like every day is a weird mix of Monday and Friday all rolled into one.

So what happened this week? I'm excited to share that I've ordered more kit materials and they're are in the mail, which means more desert landscape kits, stained glass landscape kits, and beginner rainbow kits will be available soon.

This week, I also finished my quilt top! I've been working on the Cotton + Joy Cabin Peaks pattern since November and am glad that the need to stay indoors has allowed me time to finally work on it. I really loved the colors Cotton + Joy chose for her Cabin Peaks Pantone 2019 Quilt and wanted to create a similar desert feel with mine. I found most of my fabrics at two great local craft stores Wyldwood Creative and Pacific Fabrics.

I've also been seeing tons of delicious bread making happening on Instagram and it's really made me want to make bread. I like to bake, however, I can't say that bread is my strong suite- in fact, it usually turns out terrible. Yeast is still pretty hard to find at my local grocery store (clearly everyone is making bread!), so I'm going to try something full of all that carby goodness that doesn't require yeast. I found a delicious looking bagel recipe that uses flour, greek yogurt, baking powder, salt, and an egg. I'll let you know next week how it goes. Fingers crossed well, because I love a good everything bagel!

Here's a few exciting things I also found from the creative community this week:

Seattle's largest indie craft show, Urban Craft Uprising (UCU), recently introduced Small Mall as a way for the community to continue to support their favorite local makers and this long standing craft fair. Since UCU's regular season of in-person events has been postponed, they're bringing the shopping online. Every Friday at 11am they will feature a product from 20 local makers that can be purchased on their Instagram. I love that virtual craft fairs are becoming a thing and that we can all support local makers without having to leave our homes. You can find the MCreativeJ Beginner Prickly Pear Cactus Embroidery Kit available through the Urban Craft Uprising Small Mall today!

Now that the CDC is recommending everyone a wear cloth face covering when they need to leave their homes, I've seen many tutorials pop up and makers offering to make masks in support. If you're looking for an at home tutorial here's a great tutorial by TIME that details various ways to make a mask. If you'd like to support a local maker who is creating masks, check out Ponderosa Creative. I ordered two of the moon masks for when I do my grocery and post office runs.
