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Book Signings & Behind the Scenes

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

This June my book, How to Embroider Texture and Pattern, will finally be released into the world. It's a surreal idea that projects I stitched, photos I shot, and landscapes I've thought up, will be out there for you to see and create.

I am beyond thankful for my publisher, Fox Chapel Publishing for believing in me to make this book a reality. I'm also grateful for everyone who has purchased my book already. If you haven't gotten a copy yet, you can order one from my online shop, on Etsy and Amazon, through your favorite book store, or reserve a copy from your local library.

With this being Book Launch Month (I'm making that a thing haha). I have a few opportunities for you to get your book signed, chat with me about the process, and for you to hear all about the behind the scenes.

June 10: Book Signing during the Ballard Art Walk at Monster from 6-9pm PST

June 13: Virtual Book Chat with Maker General from 5:30-6:30pm PST

RSVP here and Maker General can send you the link.

June 21: Embroidery Demonstrations and Book Project Preview in the Craft Industry Alliance Booth at hh Americas from 1-2pm CST

June 22: Book Signing at the Fox Chapel Booth at hh Americas from 1-1:30pm CST

Receive a free, signed copy of my book! Limited quantities available, while supplies last.

1 commentaire

30 août 2023

Congratulations on the upcoming release of "How to Embroider Texture and Pattern"! Your dedication and creativity are truly inspiring. The book signings and behind-the-scenes glimpses sound exciting. Looking forward to grabbing a copy and attending one of your events to hear about your process firsthand. Wishing you a fantastic Book Launch Month!

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