I actually embroidered this week! I know it probably sounds crazy, but I hadn't embroidered something just for me in a while and it was so nice to finally work on something that didn't have a deadline or any pressure attached. These past few weeks have been packed with filling orders (THANK YOU!) and restocking stitch kits, which has left little time for any actual embroidery on my part. So this week I finished Season 3 of Westworld (no spoilers) and played around with some new designs for a new collection I'm thinking up (also no spoilers).

Bread update: Make no-knead bread they said. Use the New York Times No-Knead Bread recipe they said. It's easy they said. Well... they were wrong. My no-knead bread turned out like a bread rock. After feeling pretty sad for the waste of my limited yeast supply, I got back into the kitchen and tried again.
For my second baking attempt, I used the King Arthur Vermont Whole Wheat Oatmeal Honey Bread recipe and it was delicious. I'm sharing a lovely picture from their website, instead of boring you with terrible food photos of my bread. Mine did not look as pretty, but it was delicious. I had to kneaded that dough for forever (it was only 7 minutes, but it was an arm work out for sure). It was worth it though and the sun was the perfect compliment to help me proof my bread.

By now, you probably have heard, I've gotten really into quilting during quarantine. After making a handful (ok, four, it was four) Clava quilts by Miss Make, I've been looking online for other modern quilt patterns to try. It was refreshing to see so many modern and beautiful designs out there. If you want to give quilting a try, here's a few modern quilt designs I'm itching to stitch next.
And if you have any fabric shop recommendations, pass them along too! While I have a stash of fabrics, I'm realizing my fabrics are in sizes more suited for embroidery than quilting. Turns out you need a ton more fabric for quilting. Haha.
Speaking of my fellow makers, my friend Sara of Brown Paper Bag Stitch just launched her new cat collar stitch kits. I've loved seeing Sara create custom pet collar designs and her new DIY kits are just as detailed. Each kit includes a button down collar shirt, a beautifully illustrated stitch guide, thread card, needle, thread snips, and cat transfer patterns. Plus, each kit is packaged in a gorgeously illustrated box that you'll want to reuse.
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