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2022 In Review + Planning for 2023

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

The last week of the year always feels a little unreal. It's a weird time were I often have no idea what day it is, continually wear my sweatpants, and eat way too many holiday cookies. (Admittedly I am a sweets fiend and also have a cookie exchange/craft night with friends tonight, so I might have made even more cookies for that. But anyways...) I've come to embrace and look forward to these slower paced days as a rest from the grinding holiday schedule of craft fairs, workshops, and family gatherings.

One of the things I love during this week is reflecting on the year and planning some of my goals for 2023. I realized that a lot has happened this year. So many things I'm proud of accomplishing and trying with my small business. Here's highlights from 2022 and what I'm most looking forward to in the new year.


📖 Signed and submitted my book for publication (I'm working on edits now and will have more details in the coming months!)

🎥 Filmed a Stained Glass Landscape Embroidery course with Domestika

💪 Quit my day job to take MCreativeJ full time

🏕️ Hosted Camp Craftaway, an adult craft camp, with my amazing friend Sara Barnes

🤯 Taught 113 workshops

So what are my 2023 goals?

- Seeing my book become a reality

- Even more workshops!

- Traveling out of state for craft fairs and trade shows

- Expanding the list of shops that carry MCreativeJ kits

- Hiring part time help

Do you set goals before or after the new year? What is something you're proud of this year? And what's something you want to accomplish in 2023?

I'd appreciate if you could help me plan for next year by taking my end of year survey. I promise it's short, and it would really help me!

Happy stitching! -Melissa


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