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September FlossTube: How to Embroider Texture and Pattern

Setepmber FlossTube: How to Embroder Texture and Pattern

At the beginning of this month I was on a business mastermind call with some fellow fiber arts business owners. As we were talking about different types of promotion we’ve tried, Krista West of Avlea mentioned FlossTubes. I must have looked at her so dumbly, because I had no idea what she was talking about. I’d never even heard of a FlossTube before that very moment.

What is a FlossTube?

FlossTube isn’t a tube of embroidery floss! Instead, it’s a YouTube video niche where fellow stitches share what they’ve been working on, new products, and in depth reviews in real time. 

And by in-depth, I mean in depth! Like 40 mins to an hour. 

At first, the idea of filming such a lengthy video seemed daunting. Would anyone even watch something that long? But I figured, why not give it a go. 

My First FlossTube

For my first FlossTube I reviewed my book How to Embroider Texture and Pattern. This 45-ish minute video takes you from front to back cover and every page in between-literally. I’m not kidding when I say that I show off every single page in my book. 

Throughout the FlossTube I also share some behind the scenes info of making my book and fun details you might not know. 

If you’re on the fence about getting my book How to Embroider Texture and Pattern, I hope this gives you a good sense of what up can expect in my book and why you’ll love it.

FlossTube Video

Enjoy watching my first FlossTube (or just part of it).

And if you love this video and want more embroidery content, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Happy stitching-



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